ETIENNE, adventurer and diving instructor around the world.

Some people Fall in love with traveling while there are young, Here is one of them and his name is ETIENNE. He’s now sharing with us his passion for adventure and solo road trips. Like he say: “The lion is not busy with the cockroach”.

After a short break in France, “ET”, take some times to share his passion for travels and diving. His taking any opportunity from the deep water of the Indian Ocean to the high summit of India. His opening the door


Dear friend, let’s have a quick talk! Make us dream !

Etienne, how did you start to travel ?

« I just bought a fly ticket ! Ahhhhh! »

 why do you like to travel so much ?

« We have a wonderful planet, IAM constantly looking for new challenges And I met nice people who shared with me their own passion for traveling. I go where my soul feels good. »

Pianemo, west papua, indonesia (picture)
2015 224

How do you keep traveling ?

« I combine work and travel by teaching scuba diving in different places mostly in south east Asia, since 7 years »

How many country have you visited ? « 13 »

Burkina Faso : 2 weeks
Thailand (Ko Lipe) : 3 years
IndonĂ©sia : 3 years. 
Malaysie : 6 months
Laos/Cambodge : 1 month
Inde : 2 months
NĂ©pal : 1 month
Timor : 1 month
Canada : 1 week
Mexique : 2 weeks
Bahamas : 1 month
Kenya/Zanzibar : i live here since one month

What’s your top 3 ?
« IndonĂ©sie, Inde et Burkina Faso Â»

If you could go back in time, would you change something?

« Nothing at all »

Do you have any tips?

« Be opportunist and always go on »

Do you have any observations?

« Share your experience »

In the jungle of waigeo island, west Papua,, indonesia (picture)2015 246

What’s your budget ?

« At the moment, IAM just leaving from the money I make by working as scuba instructor and sports animator. It’s more like backpacker budget. »

How do you decide and Choose where and want you want to go?

« I always check the weather to make sure I will have good condition and I like also to switch from the ocean to the mountain. I love freedom ! »

Where do you book your flight ticket ?

« I use skyscanner »

Do you have any insurance ?

« Yes I do, DAN (diver alert network) »

View from leh palace, Ladakh, India (picture)

How much kg do you Cary in your bag ?

« I try to keep around 20kg »

So what do you have in it ?

« Only necessary things which Are fews clothes, good sports shoes, my dive gear and first aid kit and my iPad. »

How many kilometers have you done?

« A lot and I CAN do more. »

So I guess you spent a lot of time in transports…?

« Yes I do, any kinds
 I love being and drive boats. I love biking as well. »

Any anecdote ?

« The train in India from Kolkata to Varanasi to Agra, try it its fun ! »

Did you have any heat stroke ?

« Yes in  Burkina Faso, I remember very well the 84 Kilometers that we did on camel back and almost got lost in the Sahel desert. »

Have you ever been really sick ?

« Yes I got dengue Fever in Sumatra »

How many languages do you speak ?

« 3, French, English and indonesian »

A big thanks Etienne!


Click here to follow ETIENNE underwater : Plonger partout dans le monde avec Etienne

FB link : Etienne Terrien sur Facebook

Youtube channel and Divetips links : Etienne Dive



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